NATURE has always been the medium where I can BE:
From my furthest memories, my concerns have been linked to the need to be in the MOUNTAIN, TRAVELING, EXERCISING ... because that's where I find the way to try to experiment and apply the advantages of a simple, light life, healthy, honest, respectful
Probably my parents and sister have had a lot to do with all this, encouraging me to think fby myself, motivating with freedom but with effort and observing their lives, I think they managed to find the difference between the things that are worth from the things that have a price.
Thank you! for let me be myself ...
That is why, MAPS, the globes, the ball of the World ... have always attracted my attention enormously ...going to find what is intuited in them, but above all, to find what does'n appear...
In addition, as far as I wanted to go (I went to the antipodes of "my house" to see what there was), I 'm so luchy to be born in an area of the Earth (Asturias), which I know it will never stop surprinding me every new day, around every new valley, town, forest, mountain, corner or person, and I don't get tired of "kicking it" ...
For all the above, at seventeen I chose to study "Technical Engineering in Surveying" because I was attracted to the idea of work in a profession involved in Nature, field, outdoors, exercise, teamwork, mobility, variety ...
Since 1999, I developed my job mainly in civil works , (Highways, Roads, FFCC, AVE, Airports, Building) because at that time it was where there were more possibilities to start working. At te same time I continued training and updating me continuously, with many technic courses.
Always willing to continue learning and given that the present times require flexibility, adaptability and above all, versatility, in 2011 I made the itinerary to “Degree in Geomatic Engineering and Topography” (Bologna title) and in 2012 I finished the “Master in Remote Sensing and GIS ”, (Geographic Information Systems), whose objective has been to evolve in the field of new technologies, linked to my previous training, especially those relating to geo-mapping and internet maps.
The last works have been those corresponding to the elaboration of an Inventory of Public Roads, developing the profession in the rural environment, where I enjoy it so much.
In this journey, I have also been completing the training with other Professional Degrees that are also vital issues of daily application, essential and fundamental, that enrich everyday life, such as those related to"Volunteering and Cooperation", "Organic Farming" and "Environmental Education Monitor-Environmental and Environmental Management Monitor".
Enjoying the profession as much as possible, is very important to find motivation, initiative, organization, planning and of course in order to do a great quality work.
Likewise, being able to apply creativity is essential to face problems, make decisions and obtain correct solutions.
In short: attitude ...
...for everything in life.